


Profuturo was really involved in the digital transformation process, not just through our services as consultants but they wanted to enroll their employees in changing their mindsets. So I was asked to contribute in a project to push the Digital Transformation in which 10 selected employees participated.


For this project there was a plan to spare basic knowledge to Profuturo employees in 4 areas: Agility, Research, Software and Design. I was asked to participated in the research part and I accepted


In this case I decided make a soft and brief introduction to what is research and then go step by step conducing this group till they executed their first interviews.

Some topics that where covered

  • Introduction (What is research? and Why is important?)

  • Research process (What is the research process? and Where to start?)

  • Execution (Planning sessions, recruitment, recordings, trial sessions)

  • Debrief

  • Conclusions

The material

This is a brief sample of the material due to copyright restrictions.

Front page

Page inside

The group

Session - Speed dating

Session - Discussing


The example project included contextual interviews

Contextual Interview - Review clients list

Contextual Interview - Understanding actual advisors process

Contextual Interview - Prospecting new clients

Contextual Interview - Prospecting new clients


Once they finished we proceed to debrief all the information obtained in a report.